Lease renewal
When your lease comes to an end, it is essential to ensure that the renewal is done on the basis of a correct and competitive price.
For this, we are at your side to provide you with the benefit of our experience of more than 20 years.
Our approach
When your lease comes up for renewal is crucial to ensure you’re renewing based on a correct, competitive price that will allow your business to continue to function and flourish.
Even if your company stayed in the same location for many years, you should still negotiate your business lease each time it comes up for renewal, to ensure you get the best market conditions throughout the life of your lease.
Even if you signed an office lease for a defined time with an option to renew, don’t automatically exercise the option, that would renew your contract under the same terms.
Instead of automatical renewal:
look at the state of your business
investigate current market conditions
review what you’re satisfied and dissatisfied with in your current lease
revise your requirement, to make sure you did not forget any elements that may influence your needs in the future
Then figure out whether it makes more sense to renew or negotiate a new lease altogether.
Two modes of remuneration :
% of the annual rent, or
Remuneration based on the economies realized
The method of calculating the remuneration linked to the savings is based on a set of criteria that we will explain to you during our first exchange.
We are committed to improving the terms of your lease or we work for FREE.
Phone Consultation
Lease renewal constitutes a negotiating opportunity you cannot miss. However, you need to get to know us before you can entrust us with your renegotiations.
We offer you a 30-minute consultation to understand your expectations and share our initial recommendations with you.